Oak Park Estates Neighborhood Association (OPENA)
The history of Oak Park Estates indicates a neighborhood association, crime watch committee and garden club existed as far back as the early 1960's. The current Oak Park Estates Neighborhood Association was officially incorporated January 2008, with a set of bylaws and the first election of officers. Oak Parks Neighborhood Association brought the Druid Hills Neighborhood Association together, given how intertwined the two groups were, to form an even stronger group, and the tagline "Oak Park Estates and Druid Hills - Better Together."
The combined residences in the Oak Park Estates Neighborhood Association (OPENA) is 875. Architect David Klempin wrote some lovely articles on Druid Hills and Oak Park Estates back in 2002. Click the links and take a moment to read them if you like: Druid Hills article and Oak Park Estates article.
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Oak Park Estates Neighborhood Association.
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